You certainly have a good understanding of how the business works and the market around you.
If you feel ready to start getting seriousthen you can open a real account by signing up with a broker and depositing only what you are willing to lose.
- You can register with any broker or follow this guide who will tell you step by step how to do it!
- Continue to train yourself by seeing other training courses such as: basic crypto, advanced crypto, stock market, financial education, personal growthleadership and more
- Make a action plan with your sponsor to plan your next qualification.
Remember that 1% of your actions repeated every day can make a difference on your bottom line! - Fill in the file Financial Fitness (find the file on materials) to better manage your income and as a strong contact tool!
- Remember to publish Testimonials (services e network) on the various groups.
Files to better manage your finances:
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